Redefining Manhood: 10 things women look for in man
Laws of manhood might very well be laws of mankind, but since the topic needs a female perspective as well, I’m going to lay down the top things I look for in a man or find deeply appealing in any person, for that matter.
1). He’s got his sh*t together
A real man is accountable for his actions, is self dependent and does not point fingers when things go wrong.
He has a goal/dream for his life and works for it. He cleaned up his act and learned the lessons along the way.
He’s not counting on handy downs from parents, friends and so on. He has a job, a place to stay and a goal for his happiness.
2). Dedicated
This is applied to all areas of your life: relationship, career, personal grooming, house care, health.
“How you do one thing is how you do everything”.
This can take a twisted turn in a marriage. A lot of men fall into the trap of letting or expecting their wives/girlfriends to take care of them, and thus become one of the kids. Others want their lady friend to take up the role their mother had and gently sort their life around.
A man that doesn’t contribute equally to house chores, does not pick up the slack and show his dedication by means of constant support, in any way needed for his family/wife/friends/company is simply not reliable.
Manhood comes across in different shapes and situations, but showing your dedication sets boys and men apart.
Women don’t need perfection, but they do want a guy that will match their efforts and meet them halfway.
3). Personal Style
The way a man walks, talks, is dressed or his personal grooming tells a lot of the type of person he is.
In this area, you can’t set a general trend that evoques manhood, yet if the person is highly interesting, there are some subtle details that give it away.
The keyword here is charisma.
A bold handshake, a special way of telling a story, hobbies, passions, all those things that make a person stand out can draw the portrait of an interesting person.
4). Willingness to improve
We all make mistakes and hurt those we care about.
They way a guy handles the part after messing up is of paramount importance, not only for separating real men, but also for predicting the future.
The manner in which a person reacts in tough times or how he embraces failure is crucial in depicting the type of person you’re dealing with and how he’ll he act the next time something like this happens.
“Sorry, babe, I understand and I’ll do better from now on” is the sexiest apology ever.
The willingness to improve, change for the better is a game changer for personal growth. Learning your lessons, knowing the broken patterns and working your ass off to change them, putting in the time and effort to make things better takes a special kind of human. A successful one.
5). Moral compass
Honesty. Human Values. Consistency. This are attributes of any sexy human being.
Loudly advocating for something, but doing the opposite is a total turn off.
6). Achievement mindset
Personally, I can’t love a man for which I have no admiration.
Women find personal and professional achievements as huge points of interest. I’m not referring to social status, titles or 7 figures, but I do care for a passionate man, that is great at his job, from which I can learn from and grow with.
A growth mindset is challenging and seductive.
7). Ego in place
A lot of people mistake ego for manhood. The idea of Machismo derived from here, as well as many unhealthy behaviors that were detoured into gender violence.
A humble person is way more appealing than any self centered hottie.
8). Treats the world better than it treats him
No excuses. Not gender related. If all humans could start their days with this in mind, the world would be a better place.
Opening doors, helping friends, offering his time, advice and resources for a higher purpose is more manly than any display of power or assertiveness.
An eye for an eye is related more to ego than to the idea of justice, but treating everybody better than they treat you and rising above are the attires of a real gentleman.
9). Confidence
There’s something about a guy with self esteem that knows exactly what he wants and won’t settle for less. Not for one night, not for making his mates cheer, not for others’ approval.
Being in tune with yourself and knowing what makes you happy, brings a feeling of confidence that cannot be easily shattered.
This type of man will stand by his principles even if that means he’s going to face some obstacles, stand up for his choices even if he needs to face a lot of people.
10). Love
Love for himself and for others. Respecting others, staying grounded and boundary setting complete the picture of a man that brings value to people’s lives.
Keep an open mind and heart, practice gratitude and learn to empathize. It will change the nature and quality of your every relationship.