20 things that are standing between you and your best life

4 min readDec 14, 2018


1). Ego

Always having the last word is not worth it.

Your ego will stay in the way of your happiness, professional and personal success and it will limit your personal and spiritual growth.

2). Other people’s opinions

AKA dead weight that is slowing or putting you down.

In order to reach your dreams and live the life you want & deserve, you have to be little deaf frog. While all other frogs failed to reach the mountain top, she did it because she was deaf and couldn’t hear the naysayers along the way.

3). Social media

The need to be seen, validated and to document every aspect of your life is not healthy. Don’t buy into the curated and edited version that people put out.

4). Going with the flow

I know entire groups of friends that had their weddings in the same year and started making babies right after. All 14 couples. That is insane.

While you’re in a rush to catch up and start your life by going with the flow instead of taking control of every decision, you might end up building just a living if you follow what everybody else is doing rather than your heart.

5). Pleasing everybody

We are all in a quest for approval but that doesn’t mean you have to live your life so it pleases everybody, but you.

Surround yourself with people that care about you and cherish your opinions even when they are different than their own.

6). Fashion trends

What’s trendy and what suits you best might be two very different things.

While I’m not discharging fashion all together, I’m advocating for a personal style over pricey designer items that make you like a homeless person.

7). Buying things you don’t need to impress people you don’t like

This was perfectly put by the brilliant financial author Suze Orman and it can be used to discipline all your shopping sprees and spending habits. Reward yourself and splurge once in awhile, but make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.

8). Being in a relationship out of fear of being single

This is the type of mistake people often make when they’re younger. Embracing time spent alone, being comfortable and happy by yourself is one of life most underrated pleasures.

It will do you tons of good with your future relationships as well, so stop hoping from one to another without taking the proper time to be alone. To heal, to learn, to grow.

9). FOMO

This marketing scheme has gone so far that millennials are now experiencing anxiety over an avocado and it being over or under ripe.

Don’t let fear be the main driver in your life.

10). Keeping it together

Poker faces, bottling up emotions, burring anxiety and putting a brave face on while killing yourself inside is a toxic practice that will backfire.

Brave means bruised. There is power in vulnerability so let others know about your struggles.

11). Drugs/alcohol

This is a no brainer. Just don’t.

12). Revenge

Hurting someone back is not going to solve your problems. The best type of revenge is living your best life anyway, so focus on that.

13). Compromising

If it comes to sacrificing a piece of yourself for a relationship to work or to avoid challenges, it’s not worth it. Don’t lose yourself for the sake of others, may it be a soulmate, a kid, a job, etc.

14). Trying to blend in

We were made to stand out. Stop fighting it and just do you.

15). Taking your health for granted

It’s never too early to pay attention to this and to start healthy habits that will make a huge difference on the long run.

Don’t take your healthy or youth for granted, and that of your parents, for that matter.

16). Trying too hard

Too much makeup, showing too much skin, being too loud, desperately waiting everybody’s attention for the wrong reasons is not pretty.

Less is more. Let action speak louder than words and keep things simple.

17). Expectations

Expecting things to go in a certain way, thinking everybody else was raised the same you were, have the same principles or needs is a sure fire recipe for sorrow.

Get rid of your expectations or limiting belief and start paying attention to how people act. They’ll show exactly what they’re made of, you just have to believe it.

18). Playing it safe

Unless we’re talking about sex — and I can’t stress this enough — playing it safe is not the way to go about your life, career, dreams, family.

Don’t settle. Don’t be afraid to take chances. Jump and the net will appear!

Life is outside your comfort zone!

19). Living in the past

Your past should be used for one thing only: learning.

Dragging it around and hanging on to old suffering will not do any good.

It will not help your present and it will not change your future. Remember you have no obligation to be the person you were yesterday.

20). Worrying

If worrying is your favorite past time activity, you’re not doing a whole lot of living and experiencing. You’re living in fear and there’s not much room left for something else. No space for love, adventure, challenges, lessons or fun.




Written by madame.exposed

Digital Storyteller | ✍️ https://mariadima.com/en/ | � �@madame.exp

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